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What Is A Virtual Law Firm & Why Choose One?

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What Is A Virtual Law Firm & Why Choose One?

Posted on January 9, 2021

Ross Lutz Barristers Person writing on notebook with laptop

Technological advances in our society have contributed to many significant changes in how we operate businesses and services. Over the last year, we have seen most businesses shift how they work thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic has especially shown the legal community the importance of being flexible and adjusting how traditional firms handle their daily operations.

Technological advances in our society have contributed to many significant changes in how we operate businesses and services. Over the last year, we have seen most businesses shift how they work thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic has especially shown the legal community the importance of being flexible and adjusting how traditional firms handle their daily operations.

What Is A Virtual Law Firm?

A virtually based law practice is when a legal practice does not have a traditional brick and mortar location. An online law firm follows all of the same rules as a traditional firm. Unlike traditional firms, online firms use cloud-based services to work remotely, instead of in a physical location to work together. Some characteristics define a virtual law firm, including:

  • A Regular Group Of Core Lawyers
  • Operates Under A Legal Partnership Or Association

Lawyers working together in a virtual law firm can either be independent lawyers or work at another law firm. The online firm allows them to flexibly work with clients who might not want to seek a traditional office.

Why Should I Hire A Virtual Legal Association?

When you’re considering hiring a criminal defence lawyer, there can be several factors to consider. Firstly, you’ll want to hire a lawyer based on their experience and reputation. Many experienced lawyers work with virtual associations. Finding virtual firms that specialize in the legal issues you’re facing is essential. Our virtual legal association approaches our work with a client-centered focus, and we collaborate with another. In many ways, it is as if you are retaining the entire team.

Ross Lutz Barristers Virtual Law Firm

Since virtual law offices operate online, they typically have a good web presence and informative websites. You can look up legal professionals online and also see what services they offer and practice. Traditional law offices can sometimes allow their websites to become outdated and be stricter with what technologies they’ll use in their offices. If you’re not a big fan of faxing documents to fax machines, choosing an online firm means choosing a legal practice that prioritizes technological advancements.

More Flexibility & Options For Communication

The legal industry can be known for not being very flexible, but when you choose a virtual practice, they can flexibly offer legal advice. A traditional law firm requires lawyers to be physically present in the office. This can create commute times and overhead costs that might be reflected in your retainer.

When you choose a virtual office, they can offer flexibility and communication options. They do this by having someone always monitoring the website and emails to ensure quick, efficient communication. Virtual law firms also tend to not be constrained by regular office hours. Instead, someone from the firm is often available to respond to clients most hours of the day.

Secure Communication

Virtual legal associations allow lawyers to use technology to securely communicate with their clients. Instead of in-person meetings, they may be able to offer you virtual meetings. Meeting online allows you to plan on when and where is most convenient for you.

Are Virtual Law Firms Worse Than Traditional Ones?

Virtual practices are just as qualified as your typical traditional firms. The way that virtual practices operate and how they deliver services is oriented towards the technologically savvy generation. The lawyers that work in virtual associations aim to make themselves more accessible to people that need lawyers. Some virtual law practices work around traditional office hours and are available 24/7 to offer legal advice to those that need it.

Can I Meet My Lawyer When They Work Virtually?

When lawyers work for virtual associations, it does not mean you will not be able to meet with them. Some lawyers, especially ones that work independently, choose to rent their own office space to work in. Additionally, you can still meet your lawyer in person regardless of whether they keep a physical office space.

When you choose a virtual law firm, you have more flexibility on what lawyer to choose. For example, you could meet with and pick a specific lawyer in Canada who is not based in your city. A virtual firm would have the resources to work seamlessly with you remotely, which would cut down travelling expenses.

Do I Choose A Virtual Or Traditional Firm?

Ultimately whether you choose a virtual firm or traditional brick and mortar firm is up to you and your preference. As discussed in this blog, choosing a virtual association is better for technologically savvy people who like flexibility.

The most crucial aspect to consider when choosing a firm is the lawyer you’re hoping to work with. You need to do your research and choose a well-respected and experienced criminal defence lawyer. Then, you must also ensure they are experienced in defending cases in the practice area you’re being charged in.

Ross Lutz Barristers is a virtual law association offering 24/7 legal advice. Contact our qualified team of criminal defence lawyers today to see how we can help defend your charges.