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Criminal Defence Lawyers

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Robbery can be anything from robbing a shop owner or a uber driver, to punching someone on the street and taking their cell phone or wallet. Robbery is the act of using threats and/or violence to extort or steal from a person.

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Are You Facing Robbery Charges?

Defending Robbery Charges

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Have you been charged with a robbery? A robbery charge is an indictable offence. Because of this, a conviction could lead to time spent in federal prison. Robberies are a violent offence and differ from theft charges because of the element of violence and threat.

When you are facing robbery charges, it is essential to find a qualified lawyer to help defend your charges. Ross Lutz’s lawyers will draw upon our team’s combined experience to fight your charges head-on.

The main defining point of robbery over theft charges is whether there are threats of violence, or if force or a weapon was involved when attempting to take another person’s property.

Hiring a robbery lawyer

Several classifications can fall under a robbery charge. For example, it could be from a street mugging or robbing a convenience store, bar or other business. Or it could fall under a home invasion, which is less common but a more serious criminal charge.

Our Experienced Lawyers

Meeting with one of our experienced robbery lawyers will give you some insight into what to expect. At Ross Lutz Barristers, we have a dedicated team of professionals who have spent a combined 98 years defending criminal charges in court.

We offer a free initial consultation to learn the details of your case. If you choose to hire our legal team to represent you, you can feel confident knowing the lawyer you meet with and hire is the one who will be working on your case.

Two Experienced Layers In Suit Disuccing About Robery
A person robbing a car in black clothes.

What is conisdered a robbery?

A robbery is when a person steals using violence or threats of violence during the theft. Additionally, armed robbery charges will be laid if the accused assaults the alleged victim while armed with a real or a fake weapon.

Even if the alleged victim is not physically assaulted, bringing a weapon to a robbery will result in more severe charges. If a firearm is used, you will face a mandatory minimum sentence of five years.

Jail time sought for threats of violence will depend on a case by case basis, and the court will determine whether or not the actions and words of the accused constitute a threat of violence.

Life-changing charges

As with any criminal conviction, a robbery or assault conviction can significantly impact your life. You will face losing your job, home and possibly relationships. A robbery charge and conviction will also make finding employment more complicated.

Depending on the severity of the crime, it could come with social stigma and the possibility of media coverage. A criminal record will significantly complicate your options in the future.

That is one reason why it is important to quickly seek qualified and experienced legal advice after you have been charged.

A perosn in handcuff regretiing.

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Violent offences

Possible Jail Time

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Robbery, Homicide, Harassment & Attempted Murder

Violent offences can refer to a broad range of crimes, including robbery, homicide, criminal harassment and attempted murder. There is a high probability that you’ll face jail time when being charged with a violent offence. However, with the right defence team, the amount of jail time you face could be reduced.

The Crown takes these offences quite seriously and often will want to seek a penalty well above the minimum. Having an experienced criminal lawyer at your side is a great bet for fighting the charges.

Every meeting with a member of our legal team begins with a consultation. We will learn the facts of your arrest and charges and determine a strategy for you. This free initial consultation will also allow us to gain insight into your case and begin planning the course of action.

A men inside jail holding bars after commiting crime.

Our Clients' Experience

Clients We Have Defended Successfully

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Shawn Z

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Jillian Williamson is a professional lawyer who always want to help people to step out their trouble in her field. She is smart, dedicated, and efficient. She is compassionate and willing to help those in need. So, when you are in trouble, consider her first.

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L-A Peterson

Testimonial Stars Ross Lutz Barristers Testimonial Stars Ross Lutz Barristers Testimonial Stars Ross Lutz Barristers Testimonial Stars Ross Lutz Barristers Testimonial Stars Ross Lutz Barristers

I can’t say enough good things about Matthew Deshaye. He is professional of course, but also kind and caring. He helped keep me in a calm place during everything, and the outcome of having the charges against me dropped was just the most perfect ending to the entire ordeal. I have recommended the firm to others and will continue to do so. Huge thank you to Dina as well, for being a sounding board and keeping everything in order. Thank You, Matthew, for helping me get my life back!

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Leigh Parker

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Jillian saved me for my child. My child was arrested and charged with a serious offence. My husband and I retained her and she worked diligently and professionally to help my child. I’m so thankful that we found her and that she was able to help us. I don’t know what would have happened or what we would have done without her. Thank you, Jillian.