Alberta Legal | Criminal Defence Lawyers

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Criminal Defence Lawyers

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Grizzly Killing

grizzly bear killing close-up-of-male-hands

A grizzly bear was killed, witnessed by the Crown witness, Max Krekhovetski during closed hunting season. Our client GG was charged out of Blairmore, Alberta with eight counts. These charges included unlawfully hunting wildlife, possession of wildlife, hunting at night and additionally, the possession a prohibited hunting device related to this grizzly bear killing. As well as four indictable Criminal Code offences. These charges included, assault with a weapon, robbery, interference with a witness and extortion.

A plea agreement led to the client pleading guilty. The charges included one count of illegal possession of wildlife, one count of uttering threats and one count of theft under as an included offence of extortion. The Crown sought 4 months incarceration with substantial fines for the wildlife matters. However, at the conclusion of sentencing, the client was given fines of $10,000 for the illegal possession of a grizzly bear carcass and a Conditional Discharge. This means no record for either of the Criminal Code offences. All other charges were withdrawn saving the client from having any criminal record at all. As well as substantial time to pay for the fines on the wildlife matters. Paul Brunnen, Q.C. was co-counsel.

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When you’re facing possible jail time over a fraud charge, it’s important to find the right defence lawyer. Our defence lawyers team can help make sure you are well represented, and your rights are being protected.

We will advocate in your best interest to make sure you aren’t unjustly charged.

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