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Criminal Defence Lawyers

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Under Investigation

If you are being investigated by the police speak to an experienced defence lawyer immediately. We can provide critical information.

  • Help preventing an arrest
  • Assertive defence
  • Direction through the process

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Under Investigation & Pre-Charges

Protecting Your Innocence

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Are you being investigated?

If you suspect that the police are investigating you, you need to obtain legal counsel quickly. Whether you were involved in an illegal activity or were just in the wrong place at the wrong time , it’s crucial to speak to a lawyer to avoid incriminating yourself further.

What is pre-charge period?

The period of time before you are charged with an offence is called the pre-charge period. However, just because charges haven’t been officially laid yet does not mean you can’t protect yourself during this time.

Hiring a criminal defence lawyer early means having someone at your side to protect your rights during an investigation or pre-charge stage. A lawyer will also advise you on what you should or shouldn’t say when speaking with the police.

checking a fingerprint evidence using a lens
Ross Lutz experienced lawyers at your side to advise during under investigation

Person of Interest

Sometimes, before charges are laid, you could be called into the police station as a person of interest. This doesn’t necessarily mean the police intend to charge you. At this point, if they believe you were involved in committing a crime, they will be looking to build a case against you by obtaining information during questioning.

Why Do You Need a lawyer?

Without legal representation, you may say something that can be held against you, even if you were not involved in the crime. This is just one of the many reasons you deserve an experienced lawyer at your side to advise you through the process.

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How Ross Lutz Can Help

Having Legal Representation

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We keep your interests in mind

At Ross Lutz Barristers, we have a team of highly successful criminal defence lawyers. Each member of our legal team is qualified to work with you from the second you think you’re under investigation, through to representing you in court, if it comes to that.

Importance of a defence lawyer

By retaining a defence lawyer early on, you can ensure that your interests are looked after throughout an investigation or any charges. Furthermore, by having a legal team on your side early, if formal charges are laid, the discovery time into your case’s facts will be reduced. This is due to the defence team already having insight into the charges and the investigation.

Ross Lutz Highly experienced Legal representation to enforce your rights under investigation

Understanding your rights

When a case is under investigation, law enforcement will commonly speak with several witnesses and persons of interest to build a case. While the investigators may come off as casual or friendly, it is important to remember that their focus is to build a solid case for court.

Why representing yourself can backfire

If you are called in for questioning, do not represent yourself, no matter what you are told. Any conversations with the police can be used against you, which is why having legal representation from the start is so important.

A defence lawyer will be able to enforce your rights and advise you on what to say or not say to the police.

But I'm innocent !

In some cases, suspects are not guilty of the crime they are accused of committing. By seeking out a criminal lawyer, even if you are entirely innocent, you’ll get advice from a professional about preserving your innocence and avoiding a wrongful conviction.

A defence lawyer is there to work for you. Their objective is to help guide you through the legal system and get the outcome you deserve.

Hiring Ross Lutz Barristers Calgary Criminal Lawyer

Top Criminal Defence Lawyers

Highly Qualified & Experienced Lawyers

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When you hire Ross Lutz Barristers, it means you are choosing a team of highly qualified and experienced lawyers. Our law association features prominent criminal defence and appellate lawyers with experience defending high profile cases.

Reach out today to speak with our legal team and book a free consultation to discuss the potential case against you.

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