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Is sex therapy legal?

Is sex therapy legal? Our firm was recently interviewed to canvas the nature of this question. Sex therapy and sexological body work is a new and controversial form of therapy being offered both in the United States and in Canada.

This newer form of therapy involves sexual touching for the purposes of healing and education.

Jillian Williamson provided the overall context of the applicable provisions of the Criminal Code. It is noteworthy that “sexual services” will need to be analyzed in the judicial context and will be an interesting area to provide a defence for anyone who may be charged criminally for seeking this type of therapy who for anyone who provides this therapy and education. This is yet another example of where the law has not caught up to expanded areas for therapy and counselling. Similarly, to new mental health treatments which include psilocybin and ketamine which are currently Schedule III substances pursuant to the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act.

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