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I’m Innocent But Being Charged With A Crime

Posted on November 24, 2020

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Being accused of a crime is one thing but being falsely accused brings a whole new level of stress and unease. False accusations are an allegation or claim of wrongdoing about someone that is untrue. It is important to know what to do should you ever need legal assistance.

Below we will outline four ways to build a strong criminal defence case. We’ll also discuss the four things you should never do if falsely accused of a crime.

Should I Get A Lawyer?

Absolutely. Just because you know you didn’t commit a crime doesn’t mean you can handle the case independently. Claiming innocence is not enough if you are under investigation for a criminal offence.

Depending on the allegations, you need to hire a criminal defence lawyer as soon as possible. They will look for evidentiary weaknesses and advocate for you should the case go to trial. A criminal defence lawyer will make sure your rights are protected. They will use their skills to explore multiple avenues of legal action.

Self-representation is not a good idea because you likely do not have the skills and knowledge of the law to advocate for yourself.

Building A Criminal Defence

This can be an incredibly stressful period, but there are ways you can take action. To help your lawyer build a strong defence to fight your false accusations, gather as much evidence as possible. A good lawyer will guide you on what sort of information will be helpful in court.

  1. Know Your Legal Options
  2. When you work with your defence lawyer, ask them what your options are. Your lawyer will review your case to determine what is possible. There’s a lot of value in hiring a lawyer with the right knowledge and prior experience working with cases like yours. Their experience will give them insight on how to best approach a defence for your case.

  3. Disclose All Details
  4. When you work with your defence lawyer, ask them what your options are. Your lawyer will review your case to determine what is possible. There’s a lot of value in hiring a lawyer with the right knowledge and prior experience working with cases like yours. Their experience will give them insight on how to best approach a defence for your case.

  5. Collect Evidence
  6. Evidence is a broad term that can encompass many things. Physical evidence, like a weapon, might be one of the first things that come to mind. Evidence can also include forensic, documentary, or testimonial evidence.

    You should hand over any physical evidence or documents to your lawyer. Documentary evidence can include emails, text messages, GPS data, and photographs.

    During this time, you and your lawyer might discuss your alibi, if you have one. An alibi shows you, the defendant, were not present at the scene of a crime during the time in question. The disclosure of an alibi is one course of action you and your lawyer may take.

  7. Building Your Strategy
  8. If you are going on trial, you and your lawyer will create a strong defence strategy. A courtroom is a daunting environment, so the more confident you are in your facts, the less nervous you will be before the court.

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What Not To Do

  1. Do Not Make Statements To The Police
  2. When under arrest for an offence, your words can come back to haunt you as evidence against you. Do not make comments to anyone, including law enforcement, without a lawyer present. You could end up saying something you don’t mean and later regret it.

    During this time, do not make statements to the media or post anything online about your case. This information can also be used against you in court. You might want to tell the world you are innocent, but saying nothing at all is the best course of action.

  3. Do Not Let Someone Search You
  4. Always ask for a search warrant if law enforcement tries to search your vehicle, property, or home. They should produce a search warrant for you before they begin. A judge will sign this document, showing you its legitimacy.

    The document will outline what the officers may examine. Make sure they stick to it. For example, if it says officers can search your home, don’t let them search your vehicle. Only allow access to what is in the search warrant, and immediately call your lawyer.

  5. Do Not Destroy Evidence
  6. You should never tamper with evidence you believe could hurt your case. It is never a good idea to get rid of emails, physical objects, or any other evidence you think won’t benefit you. By destroying evidence, you could end up looking guilty of this or of a separate crime.

    A dependable criminal defence lawyer will always prioritize your interests. They understand your case and will do everything they can to ensure your best outcome.

If you are accused of a crime you didn’t commit, don’t wait. At Ross Lutz Barristers, we have a team of highly experienced defence lawyers ready to work with you. Contact us today to discuss legal advice and the course of action for your case