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Defence Lawyers To Fight Your

Fraud Charges

Under Investigation For Fraud?

We take protecting your reputation seriously

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If you have been charged with fraud or are under investigation for it, you need an experienced fraud lawyer to help you fight charges.

Being accused of a crime can be terrifying, but being charged or investigated for fraud also comes with complex financial issues. Never speak to the investigators on your own. Even if you have nothing to hide, you could unintentionally incriminate yourself by saying the wrong thing.

At Ross Lutz Barristers, our lawyers are all skilled in all aspects of criminal law, including fighting fraud charges. Contact us today to defend your freedom.

Facing fraud charges

Are you currently facing fraud charges? Fraud covers a broad range of acts, but most simply can be described as the unlawful and deceitful taking of someone’s money, property or valuables.

This can include credit card fraud, using someone’s credit card without their knowledge, and falsifying insurance records.

Fraud Versus Theft

At its most basic level, theft is classified as taking something that does not belong to you. If you are charged with fraud, however, it means the theft included an element of misrepresentation. There are many types of fraud, including identity theft, forgery, embezzlement and perjury.

A person using laptop who is facing fraud charges
Handcuff on a table to indicate the severity of crime

Severity of the crime

Typically fraud is categorized in two ways, fraud in an amount over $5,000 and fraud in an amount less than $5,000. The severity of the crime is typically based on the value of the fraud and its complexity. For example, credit card fraud under $5,000 is typically prosecuted on a lower end of the spectrum.

Whereas defrauding your employer through embezzlement and an elaborate pyramid scheme involving many victims would likely result in prosecution seeking jail time and would be viewed on the higher end of the spectrum.

What are the corresponding consequences?

If you have been charged with either fraud or theft over $5,000, you will be facing more serious consequences than charges for theft or fraud under $5,000.

Once it is classified over the $5,000 mark, the options of a conditional sentence, like serving the time under house arrest, will be removed. For theft over $5,000, you could be facing a maximum penalty of 10 years in jail. For fraud over $5,000, the maximum penalty is 14 years in prison.

At Ross Lutz Barristers, we will fight for your freedom and the outcome you deserve.

Fraud Investigations

Every investigation is unique based on the charges, potential and/or alleged victims and details of the case. However, in the event of a fraud investigation, the alleged victim is typically the one to bring it to investigators’ attention.

In Canada, for someone to be found guilty of fraud, the Crown Prosecutor must prove these factors:

  • A Deceitful Or Dishonest Act Was Committed
  • That The Accused Knew This Act Would Cause Economic Deprivation For Another Person
  • Or That The Accused Was Willfully Blind To Whether This Would Cause Economic Deprivation
  • The Accused Was Aware Of The Fraudulent Act
  • There Was A Financial Loss Suffered By The Alleged Victim
Alberta Legal experineced lawyer sitting on table to help people with fraud investigation.

Protecting Your Legal Rights

Working In Your Best Interests

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When you hire a lawyer through Ross Lutz Barristers, we will be with you through every step of the way, from pre-charges and investigation up to the potential trial. Our team will protect you from unlawful questioning and help you enforce your rights when dealing with law enforcement. When you choose a lawyer from Ross Lutz Barristers, you know you’re selecting a defence lawyer that will work for you.

Not only can you count on our team to provide legal defence that works in your best interests, but you can also feel confident that the lawyer you hire is the one who will represent you in court. We know that when you hire a lawyer, you are hiring that specific person to protect your interests. Not another associate on our team. With Ross Lutz Barristers, the lawyer you retain is always the lawyer you will get.

Protect Your Reputation

We take protecting your reputation very seriously. A fraud charge can change how people see you, and affect your livelihood. We are here to protect your reputation by fighting these fraud charges.

Meet with one of our defence lawyers today to discuss the details of your case. An initial consultation is free to determine if you have a case and if we feel we’ll be able to represent you in court.

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