Alberta Legal | Criminal Defence Lawyers

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Criminal Defence Lawyers

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Recent Cases

Cocaine Possession & Intent To Traffic

cocaine possession & intent to traffic

In our recent case, R v ST, we recently represented a young woman who was charged with possession for the purposes of trafficking in both powder and crack cocaine. Her boyfriend was charged as well and was a co-accused. We met with her and gathered important information from her. We started building our defence strategy. We advised our client that this matter should be heard in the Court of Queen’s Bench and that we should have a Preliminary Inquiry hearing. This is a court hearing that allows defence to gather more information through this process in the Provincial Court. She listened to our advice and we proceeded to the Preliminary Inquiry.

We met with our client multiple times in advance of the hearing. These meetings enabled us to refine our strategy. The Preliminary Inquiry Judge hears evidence in order to assess whether there is enough information to commit the person to stand trial. This is a very low threshold. Often, we will proceed to the Preliminary Inquiry and not challenge this finding. There are multiple purposes to this type of hearing. It is important that your lawyer knows his or her purpose for proceeding in this manner. There are risks that can arise from a Preliminary Inquiry. One risk is that other evidence will be adduced and heard at the hearing. This may result in more serious charges being pursued by the prosecutor. It could result in a more serious penalty if the penalty stage is reached.

Thankfully, our client did not face that risk. Through skillful cross-examination and negotiation all charges against our client were withdrawn. Our client is now planning her wedding and working her full-time job with no concerns about her liberty, a criminal record or her future. We couldn’t be happier for her now that she is free of the criminal justice system.

If you are currently facing charges for criminal drug possession and trafficking, contact our team today. We will help you find the best outcome and protect your freedom.

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Defence In Your Best Interests

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When you’re facing possible jail time over a fraud charge, it’s important to find the right defence lawyer. Our defence lawyers team can help make sure you are well represented, and your rights are being protected.

We will advocate in your best interest to make sure you aren’t unjustly charged.

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