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When considering the Canadian Criminal Code, there are many questions to be answered. We aim to create legal resources to answer your pressing questions and update you with our posts.

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What is Sexual Interference and Sexual Invitation To Touching?

Sexual interference is an offence found in the Criminal Code under section 151. This offence prohibits the touching of another person under…

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What Can be Used as Sexual Assault Evidence to Prove the Case Against Me?

Introduction Sexual assault trials have increased in complexity due to several recent decisions from the Supreme Court of Canada and amendments to…

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Child Sexual Assault & Sexual Interference Charges Withdrawn!

Jillian Williamson recently defended a man accused of sexual assault and sexual interference and got all of his charges completely withdrawn. Our…

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What to Do When Police Is At Your Door?

What do I do if the police are at my door? Our criminal lawyers in Alberta understand this can be a frantic…

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Life Sentence in Canada: How it Works in Alberta

What offenses are subject to a life sentence? First-degree and second-degree murder are two examples that come with a mandatory minimum of…

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Is sex therapy legal?

Is sex therapy legal? Our firm was recently interviewed to canvas the nature of this question. Sex therapy and sexological body work…

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Under 18 and Charged With a Crime in Alberta

Introduction – What happens when a kid is charged with a crime? The Youth Criminal Justice Act (YCJA) provides for special rights…

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Cryptocurrency & International Tax Reporting Requirements For American Expats

Experienced Criminal Lawyers News & Articles Recent Posts [lc_get_posts post_type="post" posts_per_page="9" orderby="date" order="desc" output_view="lc_get_posts_listing_view" output_number_of_columns="3" output_wrapper_class="list-unstyled" output_link_class="d-block mb-3" ] Cryptocurrency & International Tax…

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Criminal Charges For Voyeurism

Qualified Defence Lawyers Voyeurism Charges Defence Lawyers Defending Voyeurism Charges Defending Voyeurism Charges Criminal charges for voyeurism are addressed in section 162…

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