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When considering the Canadian Criminal Code, there are many questions to be answered. We aim to create legal resources to answer your pressing questions and update you with our posts.

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What Should Happen When the Worst Happens

No lawyer who fights for his or her client at a trial wants to hear the word “guilty.” The team at Ross…

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How to Defend Domestic Assault Charges in Canada

Domestic violence occurs within families or intimate relationships, generally between spouses, common-law partners, boyfriends and girlfriends, children, etc. It is considered an…

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Honest But Mistaken Belief in Consent

Under Canadian law, sexual assault is an assault in which the victim's sexual integrity is violated and involves touching that is non-consensual…

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How to Defend Against Sexual Interference Charges in Canada

Sexual interference is a serious crime, and it’s therefore critical to understand what you are up against if you face related charges.…

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Harassment Charges in Alberta Explained

By: Alberta Legal Team What is criminal harassment? Criminal harassment is committed when a person carries out any of the following: repeatedly…

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How can my lawyer get my assault charge dismissed or dropped?

By: Alberta Legal Team If you have been charged with assault one of the first questions you may have is how can…

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What is the difference between Summary Conviction and Indictable Offences?

By: Alberta Legal Team There are two types of offences in Canada. You may have heard the terms felony and misdemeanor, especially…

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Common Grounds of Appeal and the Importance of Trial Counsel

What is an appeal and what do I need to know about the appellate process? If either party in a legal proceeding…

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How Mental Illness and Criminal Culpability Interconnect

In every society there are those who commit criminal acts due to mental illness. The criminal law has developed to address the…

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