Alberta Legal | Criminal Defence Lawyers

Alberta Legal |
Criminal Defence Lawyers

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Pick The Experienced Representation

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Jillian Williamson Calgary Criminal Lawyer

Jillian Williamson

Client-Centered Focus

Jillian is an experienced litigator in criminal, quasi-criminal and regulatory cases. She has extensive experience in sexual assault litigation and has argued at all levels of court in Alberta.

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Jim Lutz Calgary Criminal Lawyer

Jim Lutz

Over 30 Years Of Experience

Jim is a criminal trial defence lawyer. His practice covers everything from serious violent offences to drug cases involving illegal search and seizure of evidence and complex defence cases.

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Alias Sanders Calgary Criminal Lawyer

Alias Sanders

Vast Knowledge Of Case Law

Alias has argued over 200 cases at the Alberta Court of Appeal and is also regarded for her encyclopedic knowledge of case law. She will take apart complex arguments for your defence.

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Get The Right Representation

Defence In Your Interests

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When you’re facing possible jail time over a fraud charge, it’s important to find the right defence lawyer. Our defence lawyers team can help make sure you are well represented, and your rights are being protected.

We will advocate in your interest to make sure you aren’t unjustly charged.

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