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Criminal Offences Related To Currency

A conviction for these types of offences can mean prison time and may have life altering consequences. To properly defend these types of charges, you require the assistance of a knowledgeable and skilled defence lawyer.

  • In-depth analysis of the police investigation
  • Knowledgeable and skilled
  • Achieving the outcome you deserve

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Lawyers For Offences Related To Currency

Ross Lutz Scale Icon

Are you currently facing criminal charges for offences related to currency? Producing and possessing counterfeit money along with defacing or impairing coins can lead to a prison sentence, if convicted. If you are currently facing charges for counterfeiting or other currency-related offences, our team of criminal lawyers at Ross Lutz Barristers can help defend you.

What Are Offences Related To Currency?

Offences related to currency cover a range of crimes, including making and possessing counterfeit currency, selling, paying, tendering and putting off counterfeit money (uttering) and defacing or impairing coins.

This type of criminal offence is complex and if you are convicted, you will be subjected to a significant penalty, including a lengthy prison sentence. In order to get the outcome you deserve, it is essential to retain an experienced and skilled criminal defence lawyer who is perfectly suited to create a strategic defence.

50 dollar notes
canadian bank notes

What Is Counterfeit Money?

Counterfeit money is any currency that is created without the approval of legal authorities. Counterfeit money is usually created to assist or persuade a fraudulent offence. It is considered a serious crime in Canada.

Section 448 of the Criminal Code defines counterfeit money as:

  • False Coins Or Paper Money That Resembles Or Is Intended To Resemble Or Pass For Current Currency
  • Forged Bank-Notes Or Forged Blank Bank-Notes
  • Genuine Coins Or Paper Money That Is Altered To Resemble Another Coin Or Paper Money With A Higher Value
  • Current Coins With The Milling Removed & With New Milling Made To Restore Its Appearance
  • Coins Cased With Gold, Silver Or Nickel That Is Intended To Resemble Or Pass For A Current Gold, Silver Or Nickel Coin
  • Coins Or Pieces Of Metal Or Mixed Metals That Are Washed Or Coloured To Produce The Appearance Of Gold, Silver Or Nickel & Meant To Resemble Or Pass For A Current Gold, Silver Or Nickel Coin

The term “Current” refers to any coin or paper money currently in circulation in Canada which is lawfully recognized as currency.

Making & Possessing Counterfeit Currency

Any individual that makes or begins to make counterfeit money is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to a maximum sentence of 14 years imprisonment. Additionally, anyone that is in possession of counterfeit money is also guilty of an indictable offence and liable to a maximum sentence of 14 years.

This includes anyone that buys, receives or offers to buy and receive counterfeit money, has the counterfeit money in their custody or possession, or introduces counterfeit money into Canada.

Additionally, any individual that does not have lawful justification or excuse for having gold or silver filings, clippings or bullion or gold or silver in dust produced or obtained from impairing, diminishing or lightening a current gold or silver coin is guilty of an indictable offence and a maximum sentence of five years or an offence punishable on summary conviction.

20 dollar notes with a lens on top

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20 dollar notes with handcuffs and gavel fo counterfeit criminal activities

Uttering Or Spending Counterfeit Money

Any person who utters or offers to utter counterfeit money or uses counterfeit money as genuine current currency, or exports, sends or takes counterfeit money out of Canada is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to a maximum sentence of 14 years imprisonment.

In addition, an individual that utters a coin with the intention to defraud someone with a coin that is not current or a piece of metal or mixed metals that is similar in size, figure or colour for a current coin is liable for a maximum sentence of two years.

Defacing & Impairing Coins

Defacing and impairing coins includes:

  • Clipping & Uttering Clipped Coins
  • Defacing Current Coins
  • Likeness Of Bank-Notes

Defacing and impairing coins can also lead to a significant period of imprisonment, if convicted. However, it depends on the severity of the offence.

Don't leave your freedom up to chance. Contact our team for a free consultation today and see how we can help you fight your charges.

coins on a table been counted by a hand