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Ross Lutz Calgary Lawyers Blogpost Author Icon


What to Do When Police Is At Your Door?

What do I do if the police are at my door? Our criminal lawyers in Alberta understand this can be a frantic…

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Ross Lutz Calgary Lawyers Blogpost Author Icon


Is sex therapy legal?

Is sex therapy legal? Our firm was recently interviewed to canvas the nature of this question. Sex therapy and sexological body work…

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Ross Lutz Calgary Lawyers Blogpost Author Icon


Under 18 and Charged With a Crime in Alberta

Introduction – What happens when a kid is charged with a crime? The Youth Criminal Justice Act (YCJA) provides for special rights…

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Ross Lutz Calgary Lawyers Blogpost Author Icon


Cryptocurrency & International Tax Reporting Requirements For American Expats

Experienced Criminal Lawyers News & Articles Recent Posts [lc_get_posts post_type="post" posts_per_page="9" orderby="date" order="desc" output_view="lc_get_posts_listing_view" output_number_of_columns="3" output_wrapper_class="list-unstyled" output_link_class="d-block mb-3" ] Cryptocurrency & International Tax…

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Ross Lutz Calgary Lawyers Blogpost Author Icon


Criminal Charges For Voyeurism

Qualified Defence Lawyers Voyeurism Charges Defence Lawyers Defending Voyeurism Charges Defending Voyeurism Charges Criminal charges for voyeurism are addressed in section 162…

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Public Intoxication & Drinking In City Of Calgary Parks

Experienced Criminal Lawyers News & Articles Recent Posts [lc_get_posts post_type="post" posts_per_page="9" orderby="date" order="desc" output_view="lc_get_posts_listing_view" output_number_of_columns="3" output_wrapper_class="list-unstyled" output_link_class="d-block mb-3" ] Public Intoxication & Drinking…

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How Do Criminal Charges Affect Child Custody & Access In Alberta?

Experienced Criminal Lawyers News & Articles Recent Posts [lc_get_posts post_type="post" posts_per_page="9" orderby="date" order="desc" output_view="lc_get_posts_listing_view" output_number_of_columns="3" output_wrapper_class="list-unstyled" output_link_class="d-block mb-3" ] How Do Criminal Charges…

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Potentially Preventing High-Risk Offenders From Changing Their Name

Experienced Criminal Lawyers News & Articles Recent Posts [lc_get_posts post_type="post" posts_per_page="9" orderby="date" order="desc" output_view="lc_get_posts_listing_view" output_number_of_columns="3" output_wrapper_class="list-unstyled" output_link_class="d-block mb-3" ] Potentially Preventing High-Risk Offenders…

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Ross Lutz Calgary Lawyers Blogpost Author Icon


What Is A Jury Trial & Can I Deny One?

Experienced Criminal Lawyers News & Articles Recent Posts [lc_get_posts post_type="post" posts_per_page="9" orderby="date" order="desc" output_view="lc_get_posts_listing_view" output_number_of_columns="3" output_wrapper_class="list-unstyled" output_link_class="d-block mb-3" ] What Is A Jury…

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