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Ross Lutz Calgary Lawyers Blogpost Author Icon


How to Beat Drug Trafficking and Possession for the Purposes of Trafficking Charges in Canada

An experienced criminal lawyer Calgary will examine the police investigation (disclosure) carefully in order to assess the strength of prosecutor’s case. How…

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Ross Lutz Calgary Lawyers Blogpost Author Icon


Are There Mandatory Minimum Punishments in Drug Cases?

By: Jillian Williamson A commonly asked question by our clients facing drug offences is about the potential length of prison sentences, if…

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Criminal Pardons & Record Suspensions

By: Alberta Legal team Frequently Asked Questions about Pardons & Record Suspensions Q: I have a criminal record what can I do…

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Imprisonment during the Covid-19 Pandemic

By: Alberta Legal Team Impacts of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Imprisonment How has the Covid-19 pandemic impacted offenders who are imprisoned during…

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Criminal Diversion Programs

By: Jillian Williamson There are a few programs offered in Alberta that allow criminal offence allegations to be diverted out of the…

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What is an Absolute Discharge ?

By: Jillian Williamson An absolute discharge is a sentence imposed by a judge which results in no criminal conviction on your record.…

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First Degree Murder Defences in Calgary

Few cases are as serious as a first-degree murder charge when it comes to criminal defence. If you have been accused of…

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What Are The Best Defences To Firearms Offences?

By: Jillian Williamson The Firearms Act of Canada sets out the governing principles and requirements for firearm ownership and possession in Canada.…

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What Are The Best Defences To Theft Charges?

By: Jillian Williamson What is theft? Theft occurs when someone fraudulently and without color of right takes property or converts property to…

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