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All Hope Is Not Lost – Please Don’t Commit Suicide

Posted on February 24, 2021

Michael Andreassen Gregory was found by Calgary police and his death was confirmed on Tuesday afternoon. This is the second suicide that our law association has learned of this month related to a person being charged with sexual assault.

These deaths are a tragedy, and no one who is charged with a sexual assault should feel that this is their only option. Our team is here to show you that all hope is not lost, and we have successfully defended many individuals in the same situations.

Our lawyers have dedicated our professional working lives to helping people facing the jail, shame, and humiliation. We understand this is your darkest time. But we are here to help. All hope is not lost. We have successfully defended thousands of people in your shoes and or we have mitigated the risk significantly.

Please let someone help you. If you need legal help, please contact us. If you need immediate help because you are in crisis, please consider the following:

If you have been charged with an offence or think you are going to be charged, then call us. We will figure out the best way to help you no matter what. We understand the difficult financial times we are all in at the moment. If finances and fees are a concern, we will help. Tell us the help you need, and we will look into all possible options for you.

Contact our team today to see how we can help you. Our team of highly experienced lawyers is here to defend your case and get you the outcome you deserve. Don’t leave your freedom and reputation to chance, let our serious lawyers defend your charges.