Alberta Legal | Criminal Defence Lawyers

Alberta Legal |
Criminal Defence Lawyers

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Criminal Lawyers

Our virtual association offers strategic and skilled criminal legal representation by experienced defence lawyers at affordable rates.

Picture of a best team of criminal defence lawyers.

Calgary Criminal Defence Lawyers

A letter to our clients and potential clients

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We are frequently asked why we are so selective when it comes to accepting potential clients. We intentionally limit the number of clients we accept. We believe that the few clients we take on, the better the outcomes are for each case. This selectivity allows us to focus on fighting to the ends of the earth for each client we accept because we are not overwhelmed.


We Practice with Diligence and Strategy

It is important to us that our clients know and understand that we strategically build trial plans that are unique to each case. We do not compare one case to the next. No case is the same. Some detail or piece of evidence may seem to be irrelevant to you or to another lawyer. However, through our strategic defence building plan, this detail may end up being the critical piece to the entire winning strategy. All we do is methodically build solid and unique legal arguments that throw the prosecutor off their game.

A Reputation Of Success

Finally, we are respected professionals. Your opponents and the judges hearing your case know us. They respect us because we diligently practice with respect and reliability.

Lawyers That Are Representing You

We live these values in our practice every single day. We are honoured and privileged to represent our clients with life changing problems. We take this responsibility seriously. We don’t “shoot from the hip” like other lawyers do. But we are human, and we understand what you are going through. We understand the fear and anxiety and the toll this takes on you and your family. We continuously strive to help those who need us the most and to be the best when you feel you are at your worst. We find ways to empower you through the legal system. We do it every single day. If you find yourself in what feels like a hopeless and powerless situation, please call us. We are serious lawyers who fight serious allegations every single day.

Listen to What Our Clients Say

“I was so scared, and I was always thinking I have this case against me and how I am going to win this case, how am I going to survive… Whenever I asked questions or whenever I worried … I talked to her she was always there to help me….. She won the case because she is that good, I was in tears I couldn’t say a single word to her, but I said you saved my life” Former Client, Calgary, Alberta

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Testimonial 3
Combined 100 years of experience
Available 24/7 for emergency contact
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5 Star Reviews From Our Previous Clients

Criminal Law Practice Areas

Criminal Lawyers Serving Calgary

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To avoid a criminal conviction, you need a well-practiced Calgary lawyer who has experience in all areas of criminal law. Hiring the right criminal defence lawyer could be the difference between walking free, reduced sentencing to a lengthy period of imprisonment.

Ross LutZ Barristers – Calgary Criminal LawyerS

Trustworthy LEGAL TEAM In Alberta

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When you’re in the process of being investigated and charged or looking for someone to represent your loved one, it’s essential to find an experienced lawyer who’s ready to protect your rights. Our team has years of experience defending clients in criminal court.

Our TEAM Will Properly Represent Your Interests

Our experienced team is here to work for you and find an outcome for your particular case. No case is exactly the same, so it’s vital to find a lawyer who knows the law and is well-practiced to find a defence strategy and end result that you deserve.

WE WILL Fight For Your Rights

No matter what you’re being accused of, we will find a solution that works in your favour. Whether it’s getting the charge thrown out, reducing your sentence, or helping you maintain your innocence, we will do the absolute best to fight for your freedom.

Learn More About Us

Our Latest Videos

Check Our TEAM Sharing Their Knowledge

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Kim Ross

Criminal Offence Explained By Kim Ross

Have you been contacted by the police? Have you been charged with a criminal offence? We are an experienced criminal law firm who is here to help. Ross Lutz Barristers have close to 100 years of experience!

Jim Lutz

Domestic Assault Charge

Have you been charged with a domestic assault? First of all, do NOT contact your spouse to try and make the domestic assault charge go away. Always remember, the police are not there to help you. Contact Jim Lutz right away!

Jillian Williamson

Under Criminal Investigation?

You should contact us immediately if you have been contacted by the police or under criminal investigation. Do NOT take matters in your own hands. We are highly experienced lawyers.

Alias Sanders

Wrongful Convictions

Do wrongful criminal convictions happen? Absolutely. Wrongful conviction happen all the time. Ross Lutz Barristers are highly experienced in dealing with appeal and reversal cases.

we are AN Experienced TEAM

Need A Lawyer?

Our Team

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JILLIAN WILLIAMSON Calgary Criminal Lawyer



Jillian is an experienced litigator in criminal, quasi-criminal and regulatory cases. She has extensive experience in sexual assault litigation and has argued at all levels of court in Alberta.

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Jim Lutz Calgary Criminal Lawyer

Jim Lutz

Over 30 Years Of Experience

Jim is a criminal trial defence lawyer. His practice covers everything from serious violent offences to drug cases involving illegal search and seizure of evidence and complex defence cases.

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Alias Sanders Calgary Criminal Lawyer

Alias Sanders

Vast Knowledge Of Case Law

Alias has argued over 200 cases at the Alberta Court of Appeal and is also regarded for her encyclopedic knowledge of case law. She will take apart complex arguments for your defence.

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Our Clients' Experience

Clients We Helped Successfully

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Shawn Z

Testimonial Stars Ross Lutz Barristers Testimonial Stars Ross Lutz Barristers Testimonial Stars Ross Lutz Barristers Testimonial Stars Ross Lutz Barristers Testimonial Stars Ross Lutz Barristers

Jillian Williamson is a professional lawyer who always want to help people to step out their trouble in her field. She is smart, dedicated, and efficient. She is compassionate and willing to help those in need. So, when you are in trouble, consider her first.

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Cody Richards

Testimonial Stars Ross Lutz Barristers Testimonial Stars Ross Lutz Barristers Testimonial Stars Ross Lutz Barristers Testimonial Stars Ross Lutz Barristers Testimonial Stars Ross Lutz Barristers

I highly recommend Matthew Deshaye. I got charged with a DUI and Matt did an exceptional job he got it thrown out before trial. He kept me up to date as soon as he had any information. His assistant Dina Kruskic was amazing and very helpful with any questions I had. I can’t thank these two professionals enough for helping me get through this difficult situation in my life. 15/10

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Andre Aquino

Testimonial Stars Ross Lutz Barristers Testimonial Stars Ross Lutz Barristers Testimonial Stars Ross Lutz Barristers Testimonial Stars Ross Lutz Barristers Testimonial Stars Ross Lutz Barristers

Thank you Jillian for helping me when I was under review of the police. I was so scared when I got contacted and I didn’t know what to do. Thank you for taking the time to help me and for everything she did. Jillian was great and I highly recommend her.

Criminal Law Practice Areas

Qualified Lawyers PROVIDING LEGAL HELP in calgary

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Hiring Ross Lutz Barristers Calgary Criminal Lawyer

Finding The Right Lawyer Near You

Choosing the right representation for your case is essential. Building a great case starts with choosing the right lawyers you can trust to have your back.

When you choose Ross Lutz Barristers, we will fight to the ends of the earth for you.

  • Experienced & Qualified 
  • Well-Practiced In Many Areas Of Criminal Law
  • Defended Cases In Every Level Of Court
  • Combined 100 Years Of Experience Across Canada

Call Us For A Free Consultation

Defending Serious Charges Every Day

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Set up a time for a free consultation. We will go over the details of your case and how our Calgary legal team can help you defend your charges. Let us get to know you, your case and let you know precisely how we can help before choosing Ross Lutz Barristers. Don't wait. Let us defend you today.

Contact Us